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Brenda Sandquist

Little Diamonds, Big Impact.

Xquisite cherishes every individual we have the honor of serving as a precious gem. In our eyes, each person is treated as if they were someone’s beloved daughter or son, because they are! As we entered 2023, we noticed a growing need for our services among the youth in our community. The majority of those seeking assistance fall within the age range of 11 to 15. The difficulties faced by these young individuals pose a potential threat to their future if they don't encounter positive mentorship. A common denominator in the challenges they endure is often rooted in dysfunctional family dynamics.

To actively address this issue, Xquisite initiated a collaboration with our local juvenile probation office. We joined forces with their Juvenile Services Outreach Specialist to conduct classes for youth at our Freedom Center. Additionally, we extended our support to juvenile probation officers working with these young individuals. The philosophy guiding our juvenile probation officers is centered around providing every available resource and fostering mentoring relationships to steer these individuals away from behaviors influenced by the complex family situations they confront daily. Recognizing the weight of their caseloads, we feel privileged to partner with them by offering each youth court support, a personal advocate to confide in, and essential personal care items.

When we initially connect with our youth diamonds, we emphasize the message that they are safe and loved, laying the foundation for a trusting relationship. Several years ago, we discovered that the challenges faced by these youths often lead to anxiety. In response, we started giving them acrylic diamonds to keep in their pockets. Just last week, one of our young individuals faced a nerve-wracking court appearance. As we sat with her in the courtroom, she looked at us, smiled, and pulled out her diamonds, expressing how much they helped her cope. We make it a point to convey to our youth that these diamonds symbolize our way of letting them know they are loved and valued.

Xquisite recently invested in a new curriculum tailored for youths, equipping them with tools to navigate life's challenges and foster positive self-esteem. The youth, along with their advocates, work through the workbook, discussing the hurdles they are facing. Our advocates, with their incredible dedication, infuse a sense of love and value into the lives of our young individuals, empowering them to recognize their untapped potential. We are purposefully channeling our resources to invest in the positive future we believe our young individuals can achieve.

The impact of Xquisite’s trained advocates is transformative, providing our young diamonds with the support they need to thrive. We are actively seeking more advocates to join our team. Consider becoming an Xquisite advocate – it has the potential to save a life, and we are confident it will change yours, one diamond at a time.


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