in Every Facet
in Every Facet
in Every Facet
Every story is unique and empowers a movement.
Just as a diamond is cut and polished to reveal its inherent brilliance, survivors, too, possess an inner strength and resilience that can be revealed when we place value, honor, and belief upon them. To us, survivors are diamonds.
Restoring Hope, Reviving Courage, Empowering Voices
Xquisite provides around the clock services through our Diamond Strong Freedom Center located in the heart of Nevada's Capital City. All services are at no cost to our diamonds. Services are always confidential, and with no strings attached.
Emergency Hotline
A trained advocate is available 24/7, at any hour, on our Emergency Hotline.
Call or Text: (775) 434-7255
Trained and trauma informed advocates are here to learn our diamonds stories, hear them, and walk alongside them as they create their new, flourishing life.
A Network of Resources
Xquisite has a network of resources to ensure diamonds needs are met and they have support in every facet of their healing journey.